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"Building a ProActive Culture of Health"

Our Focus


Intended For

Disability claimants with chronic physical and mental health conditions who require a comprehensive, evidence-based rehabilitation program that is specifically designed to support their recovery through education and exercise.
Goal of This Program

Assist claimants to achieve the necessary recovery to return to work as soon as possible, and ensure a sustainable recovery by teaching them lifestyle skills for proactive management of their chronic health condition and overall health.

Program Components

a)  Intake Evaluation & Report

This program starts with an Intake Assessment and Report (completed by our physical therapist) and identifies all contributing factors to the claimant's physical and mental health issues.

We measure and track all subjective, physical and functional levels to structure an optimal activation program.

Our report outlines a clear functional profile of the claimant's current physical and functional abilities, which are contrasted against their job demands.
b)  Exercise Program

Our kinesiologists oversee individualized, one-on-one gym and/or pool programs. They start the claimants at comfortable levels of tolerance and incorporate gentle progressions that ensure the claimant's safety and comfort while maximizing the program's effectiveness.
  • Three 1-hour training sessions per week (M-W-F), with a strong focus on improving functional abilities to optimally prepare the claimant for meeting their pre-disability job demands.
  • Review of our Health Education topics.
c)  Re-Evaluation & Report

A Re-Evaluation and Report is completed near the end of each program month to determine the claimant's progress towards the return to work goal.

Objective measures include functional testing, with the report providing a clear functional profile of the claimant's current physical and functional abilities contrasted against their job demands.

This clearly indicates whether they are capable of safely undertaking any of their work activities at
that time.
d)  Health Education Series

We provide claimants with information, videos and current research articles so they can learn how to implement healthier lifestyle choices to improve their chronic health conditions.

Topics covered are:

  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Inflammation and chronic conditions
  • Healthy eating
  • Environmental toxins
  • Stress management
  • Healthy sleeping patterns
  • Understanding pain
  • Benefits of strong social support
  • Mindfulness and meditation​

We always offer a virtual session as an option if a claimant cannot make it in
to their in-person session due to illness, poor weather, sick child at home, etc.

"Virtual" ProACTIVATION Program

Intended for Claimants Who
  • Live out of town
  • Have high social anxiety
  • Are highly pain sensitive
  • Are immune suppressed
  • Are nervous about going to a gym
  • Should start with virtual, then transition to the YMCA when ready to do so comfortably
Goal of This Program

Assist claimants to achieve the necessary recovery to return to work as soon as possible, and ensure a sustainable recovery by teaching them lifestyle skills for proactive management of their chronic health condition and overall health.

Program Components

The "Virtual" ProACTIVATION Program 
follows the same format as our ProACTIVATION Program (as per above),
but all sessions are carried out on a virtual platform.
Virtual ProActivation Program
Transitional Activation Program

"Transitional" ACTIVATION Program

After the claimant has completed at least 1 month of our ProActivation Program, these monthly Transitional Programs allow for tapering of one-on-one kinesiologist support to promote the claimant's increased independence; with the option of 1 or 2 sessions per week with their kinesiologist.

With individually designed programs, the claimants maintain or improve the functional gains they have already made, maintain their momentum, and sustain ongoing structure in their lives.

These Transitional Programs can be provided with or without a month-end Re-Evaluation and Report.

PHONE   780.577.1456

FAX         780.461.5692




1350, 5328 Calgary Trail NW

Edmonton, AB   T6H 4J8


CLICK HERE to view our locations on Google Maps



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